Got Something to Sell?
How It Works
- Bring in your gear… make sure it is clean, functional, and has all the parts
- A Gearage staff member will look over your items to determine what we can sell
- Fill out the paper work
- Gearage staff will price your items based on market price, condition, and demand
- Receive email with consignment account information
- Check you consignment account online at your leisure
- When your gear sells request a payout by phone, email, or in person.
- Come back into the store and pick up a check
- Get 10% more payout value if you choose store credit.
- Unsold gear or clothing will be reduced in price until sold, picked up or donated.
Consignment Sale Split
The customer receives between 40% and 80% of the final sale price once your gear sells. Consignment rates are based on the final sale price of each item. You can get 10% more in store credit value!
Selling Price | Cash | Store Credit |
< $50 | 40% | 50% |
$150 to $199.99 | 50% | 60% |
$200 to 499.99 | 60% | 70% |
$500 or More | 70% | 80% |
Consignor Account and Access
All of our consignment inventory is entered into a fancy computerized consignment point of sales system. Each consignor gets an account and can access their account
online… this is the future after all! Didn’t receive your consignor access information or forgot your password… contact The Gearage
Consignment Policy and Fees
We reserve the right to not accept dirty, broken, or out of season gear.
The consignment period is a minimum of 90 days.
We reserve the right to reduce the price of any item in order to facilitate its sale. Sale prices may be reduced by 10% a month after the 1st 30 days. Seasonal items may be put on sale at the end of each season. After 90 day consignors may pick up unsold items within 14 days. If items are not picked up following the 90 day grace period the Gearage reserves the right to sell the item at a reduced price. Items deemed not sellable after 90 days will be donated or recycled. After the period of 1 year consignment inventory becomes the property of the Gearage.
The Gearage will make reasonable efforts to protect your gear. However The Gearage is not responsible for damaged, lost, stolen, or destroyed property.
Fees – The Gearage reserves the right to charge a cleaning and or repair fee. The online consignor access fee is $1 a month for each month you have an active consignment in the shop. Consignments purchased with a credit card will be subject to a 3% credit card processing fee. Items requiring shipping may incur shipping and packaging costs.
Payment – Checks may be picked up in the store the week following the sale of your item. If you can’t pick up a check please contact us to make other arrangements. Call or email to let us know when you will stop by the shop to pick up a check. Checks may be picked up in the store the week following the sale of your item. If you can’t pick up a check please contact us to make other arrangements. Call or email to let us know when you will stop by the shop to pick up a check.
Hot Seasonal Items
(Weather Dependant)
Winter/Fall Consignments Accepted September 1st to March 1st
Spring/Summer Consignment Gear Accepted March 1st to September 1st
Heavy Ski and Winter Jackets/Pants
Skis, Snowboards, Bindings and Ski Poles
Ski or Snowboard Boots
Lightweight Tents, Sleeping Bags and Sleeping Pads
Name Brand Back Packs
Rock Climbing and Mountaineering Equipment
High End Outdoor Brand Clothing
Lightly Used Hiking Shoes/Boots
Items we aren’t accepting
Subject to change depending on inventory.
Bicycles less than $300
Heavily worn bike accessories, clothing, and parts
“Car Camping” gear. Example: Old Stoves, Heavy tents for 6+ People, Gas Lanterns, ECT.
Sleeping bags with tears or busted zippers
Rock climbing ropes
Rain Jackets/Pants That Have Lost Their Waterproofing

Gear Recycling and Donation
If you wish for your gear to go towards a cause, The Gearage can sell your accepted item(s) on behalf of selected outdoor/ environmental non-profits. Anything that we are not able to sell, will either be donated or recycled.
Gear/Clothing Drive Fundraising Program
Is your team, club, school, scout troop, or non-profit looking for a creative, fun, and easy way to raise money? The Gear Drive program allows groups to setup a consignment account with The Gearage and have group members, their family and friends bring in gear to sell under the groups account. The Gearage will then sell the gear and proceeds will go to the fundraising group.